Fear of crime

The fear of crime indicator measures the subjective sense of security felt by people in general and with regard to specific offences.

It describes people's fear of becoming a victim of crime themselves.

This fear is measured using representative population surveys, here the German Victimisation Survey (Deutscher Viktimisierungssurvey 2017). The survey was jointly designed by the Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt) and the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law. The second wave of data was collected for the second time in 2017. Respondents were asked: "How safe do you feel in your neighbourhood at night?" This question provides an approximnation of people's general fear of crime. The survey also measures people’s fear of different types of criminal offences.

Fear of crime 2017
Fear of crime by gender 2017
Fear of crime by age group 2017
Persons with a general fear of crime (fairly and very afraid) by federal states 2017
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