Travel time to ed­u­ca­tional, ser­vice and cul­tural fa­cil­i­ties

This indicator measures how long people in Germany have to travel by public transport or private car to reach their nearest regional or major regional centre.

It provides a way of measuring mobility.

A regional centre (Mittelzentrum) typically features the following: department store, hospital, doctor, hotel, nursing home, theatre, museum, youth centre, secondary school, library, large sports facility, train station.

A major regional centre (Oberzentrum) typically offers the following: specialist shops, major banks and financial institutions, vocational school/university, specialist hospital, research library, stadium, long-distance train station.

The indicator is calculated based on infrastructure and timetable data provided by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung, BBSR).

Travel time to educational, service and cultural facilities 2018
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