Ed­u­ca­tional mo­bil­ity be­tween par­ents and chil­dren

The educational mobility between parents and children indicator compares the highest general school-leaving qualification of parents with that of their children.

It is an approach to approximate educational equity.

The statistics include young people aged 15 to 25 who still live in their parents' household and are no longer in the general education system. It should be noted that it is possible for young people to gain a higher qualification at a later date. Because the indicator refers to the household level, the results can also reflect changes in moving out behaviour from the parental home. This behaviour can be influenced by additional education qualifications attained by children or their parents.

Based on the Microcensus carried out by the Federal Statistical office, only the highest general educational qualifications are analysed in the household context, but not more advanced academic or vocational qualifications. Often, these qualifications are more important in terms of professional development and income prospects, but gained after leaving the parental home. The focus on school leaving qualifications is no attempt to devalue the higher qualifications. The same applies to basic secondary school qualifications, which can provide the foundation for a successful educational trajectory.

Educational mobility between parents and children 2017
Educational mobility between parents and children 1995
Educational mobility between parents and children in families with migration background 2017
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